How to install wordpress in your local server (Tutorial for xampp and others)

Assalamu Alaikum.
Today I am going to show you about installation of wordpress in your PC localhost. I am using xampp for it. You can use any others also if you wish. You need apache and mysql (PHPMyAdmin) for it  just Open those first and try to install easily. 

Watch Video here:

Start Apache and MySQL.

Download the wordpress script from here.

Now extract it.

Copy the extracted file into your htdocs (root directory of your localhost) folder.

Now go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin or

Create a new database. If you want to use existing database then you need not to create new database. The UTF-8 general_chi is better for unicode systems. You also can keep it as default. It normally doesn't hamper anything.

Now go to your wordpress directory/location.

Choose your language and click Continue.

Now click on Let's Go

Now give the informations according to the image and click on Submit. (click on image to preview)

Now click on Run the Install

Now fill up the informations and click on Install WordPress. (click on image to preview)

You will see now the success page. Click on Login to continue.

Now login and continue.

You will be redirected into administrator page.

The installation has been completed successfully.

Thanks for your conciousness.

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