Let us do it on mathematica. The program code is here.
Clear["`*"]; f[x_] := x^3 + 3x + 1; Plot[f[x],{x,-5,5}]; a = Input["Enter a"]; b = Input["Enter b"]; tol = Input["Enter tolerance"]; n = Input["Enter total iteration"]; If[f[a]*f[b]>0, {Print["No solution exists"] Exit[]}]; Print[" n a b c f(c)"]; Do[ { c = (a+b)/2; If[f[a]*f[c]>0, a = c, b = c], Print[PaddedForm[i,5], PaddedForm[N[a],{10,6}], PaddedForm[N[b],{10,6}], PaddedForm[N[c],{10,6}], PaddedForm[N[f[c]],{10,6}]] If[Abs[a-b]<tol, {Print["The solution is: ", c] Exit[]}]}, {i,1,n}]; Print["The maximum iteration failed"];
When you run it you will see this image.
We see here the root lies between -2 and 0. So you will input
a = -2
b = 0
tol = 0.001
n = 25
Hence the methods are done. Thank you for Reading.