False position method is a method of finding root. For numerical analysis, here we should take two such points near root as the root stays between them. Here we will find a root of an equation by mathematica application.
Like bisection method the false position method starts with two points a and b such that f(a) and f(b) are opposite signs.
May be you will understand from the following photo.
From wikipedia |
Now we write the code for mathematica.
Clear["`*"]; f[x_] := x^3 + 3x + 1; Plot[f[x],{x,-5,5}]; a = Input["Enter a"]; b = Input["Enter b"]; tol = Input["Enter tolerance"]; n = Input["Enter total iteration"]; x0 = a; x1 = b; If[f[x0]*f[x1]>0, { Print["There is no root in this interval"], Exit[]}]; Print[" n x0 x1 x2 f(x2)"]; Do[ x2 = x0 - (f[x0]/(f[x1]-f[x0]))*(x1-x0) //N; Print[PaddedForm[i,5], PaddedForm[x0,{12,6}], PaddedForm[x1,{12,6}], PaddedForm[x2,{12,6}], PaddedForm[f[x2],{12,6}]]; If[Abs[x2-x1]<tol || Abs[x2-x0]<tol, { Print["The root is: ", x2], Exit[]}]; If[f[x0]*f[x2]>0, x0=x2, x1=x2], {i,1,n}]; Print["Maximum iteration failed"];
Now hit shift + enter.
This graph will be shown;
Easily we see that, here is a root between -2 and 0. Hence we will input
a = -2
b = 0
tol = .001
n = 25
The solve has been done.