At the beginning Robi offered the free sites with images and you were able to browse the free sites fully free as your wish. Going to http://internet.org with Robi connection you would get the site list of browsable websites without data charge and till now you also get this.
This sites are fully free till now and was also fully free. But the factor is different. You could browse these sites with photos but you can not browse photos now. For example I am clicking on facebook. Let us see the internal situation. But it is clear that you can see the profile pictures till now and stickers as modified. But you can not see any photo although that is profile picture.
Follow here, You can see your profile picture and notification icons. But now enter your profile. Lets' see.
Look, My profile picture is shown here also. But my uploaded photos are not visible. If you click on View Photo then it will ask you about data charge.
So how free of data charge is it? It is one matter. now I will inform you about more dangerous matter.
They say, you can also use facebook with android facebook app and messenger app using internet.org. But it is the matter of big cheating that if you use these apps and beside if you have credits in your account balance then they deduct charges from your account which is unknown by them to anyone. But who uses with checking they find it. It is also be noted that these apps were also free at the beginning. But they recently added charges on these which is not informed to any till now. And I think many people has lost a huge amount of credits for this as I did.
Be aware on it. Spread it out.
Thank you.