Palindrome - Playing with words

Palindrome - Playing with words
Palindrome is such kind of word which can be written reversely and the meaning is unchanged. From Wikipedia we find the definition of it as, "A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward. Allowances may be made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers."
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The user roles and rights of wordpress

The user roles and rights of wordpress
Wordpress is a popular Content Management System (CMS ) for various websites. It is more popular for blogging than others. It is applicable also for customer management, product management, or school, college, university or government website scripting. The various users of wordpress have various right here. I will describe shortly about them now.

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How to share local file in genymotion android file manager - Fully described

How to share local file in genymotion android file manager - Fully described
We know one of the method of using android on PC is using genymotion along with virtualbox. By the genymotion we can easily use various kind of android device in our PC. But it is sometime trouble to access local file storage or PC file storage with these virtual devices. So here I will show you how to use these or how to copy virtual device files into PC and vice-versa.

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Get government issued NID number without NID card - For Bangladesh Only

Get government issued NID number without NID card - For Bangladesh Only
As a citizen of Bangladesh you have right to have a national identity card (simply NID card) when you are 18 years old or more than 18 years. For this you have to register when you keep foot on 18 years. But unfortunately it is a very slow process of getting NID card in Bangladesh. And sometimes we need the number of this ID card. Then we fall in a twisting. 
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You can not be hidden - No benefit in facebook when you turn off chat

You can not be hidden - No benefit in facebook when you turn off chat
It is normal for maximum people who use facebook from a long time that sometimes s/he turn off chat in there to hide his/her activity from his/her other friends. It is also noted that facebook has recently added another feature by which you can hide your activity for some of your friends or show activity for some of your friends. But nowadays it is not as private as before.
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