Palindrome - Playing with words

Palindrome is such kind of word which can be written reversely and the meaning is unchanged. From Wikipedia we find the definition of it as, "A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward. Allowances may be made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers."

It can be word, Phrase, Number or other things which stays same when writing in reverse. 

Here some words, numbers and phrases of Palindrome are given bellow.

Palindrome Words:

  • rotator
  • madam
  • dad
  • deed
  • eve
  • ewe
  • noon
  • nun
  • boob
  • civic
  • deified
  • dewed
  • Hannah
  • kayak
  • level
  • minim
  • radar
  • redder
  • refer
  • repaper
  • reviver
  • rotor
Palindrome Numbers:

  • 121
  • 1221
  • 787
  • 900000000009
  • 1111111110111111111
  • 3333333333333333333333333333333333
  • 12121212121212121212121212121212121
  • 565656555656565
  • 212
  • 323
  • 525
Palindrome Phrases:

  • Live evil
  • Rise to vote, sir
  • Too hot to hoot
  • Evil olive
  • Dammit I'm mad
  • Madam, I’m Adam
  • Rats live on no evil star
  • Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas
  • Step on no Pets

Hope you will understand. Thank you again.

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