Government has banned facebook, viber and whatsapp in bangladesh

 Government has banned facebook, viber and whatsapp in bangladesh
For the security reason against the terrorist the government of Bangladesh has blocked facebook, viber and whatsapp access in Bangladesh. So no one will be able now to use this with the Internet Protocol of Bangladesh.

But you have some extra chances to use these. You can use VPN to use or use a proxy. You can follow any of the bellow.

1. If you are in mobile phone use Opera Mini browser. It will automatically proxymize your Internet Protocol to USA or aonther country. So you can be able to use facebook then.

2. If you are in mobile phone use UC browser. It will automatically proxymize your Internet Protocol to aonther country. So you can be able to use facebook then.

3. Use any kind of VPN app and run it to use facebook on your mobile.

4. If you are on PC you need to use VPN or proxy software to use these blocked sites.

Thank You for reading carefully.
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Reminder! You have less than 55 hours until the sale ends!

Reminder! You have less than 55 hours until the sale ends!

Week is almost finished, we would like to Thank You once again, for choosing us as a hosting provider, and to do one last thing this week - to remind you, that HACK55 coupon code is valid till Sunday evening only, so you have about ~ 55 hours more to use this coupon code in case you haven't done it yet.

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Getting the discount is very easy:

1. Login to Hostinger members area at

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3. Enter the coupon code: HACK55

Note: Coupon code is not applied for renewals.

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Thank you for using our services,
Hostinger India

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Important! Our prices have been hacked -55% discount limited time only!

Important! Our prices have been hacked -55% discount limited time only!

We are back with great news! We would like to announce that is launching big promo sale - get 55% discount for all new orders and hosting plan upgrades! Use the coupon code HACK55 and 55% discount will be applied to the invoice.

Getting the discount is very easy:

1. Login to Hostinger members area at

2. Place a new order for premium hosting, domain registration, or VPS server. With this coupon code you can also upgrade your hosting account to the "Premium" or "Business" plans.

3. Enter the coupon code: HACK55

This coupon is valid till November 15th only.

Also, we have some news for you about XYZ promo sale campaign:

Generation XYZ has soared like nobody expected!
You helped us reach .xyz domain registrations record in a very short time! So far we have registered more than 80 000 domain names and we are ranked in top5 position between all registrars, we are extremely proud of such big community.

We are keeping our promise to provide you FREE domain, you just need to pay a tiny ICANN fee of Rs. 11.79 for each new domain registration. This deal still remains the best in the market for xyz domains. Thank you for believing in us and joining the XYZ Generation! You can still get you free XYZ domain name here:

Thank you for using our services,
Hostinger India

You have received this email because you are using Hostinger web hosting services. To unsubscribe click here.
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Domain Registration Confirmation

Domain Registration Confirmation

Dear Obak Bisso,

This message is to confirm that your domain purchase has been successful. The details of the domain purchase are below:

Registration Date: 2015-10-27 08:06:43
Registration Period: 1
Next Due Date: 2016-10-27 23:59:59

You may login to our members area at to manage your new domain.

Hostinger India

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Find Your Lucky Number by FaceBook

Find Your Lucky Number by FaceBook
How to find your lucky number?

A faceBook App had been arrived. 

Click here to find your lucky number.

Everyone has at least one lucky number for his/her. It is a natural number. Now try for yours by clicking here....
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Graphing the pair of parametric equations in mahematica

Graphing the pair of parametric equations in mahematica
Question: Plot the pair of parametric equations as t ranges from -10 to 10. Label the x-axis time and the y-axis temperature x = t + 2 Sin t, y = t + 2 Cos 5t
a. Find the exact roots of  f(x) = 3x4 - 15x3 + 18x2
b. Find the decimal values of these roots, listing the roots in table form.


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Graphing two polar equation in same graph by mathematica graphics property

Graphing two polar equation in same graph by mathematica graphics property
Question2. Load the package Graphics`Graphics` if you have not already done so in this session of Mathematica. DO NOT load it more than once per session. Graph the polar expression on the same axes. Make the graph of the second equation blue and twice as thick as the red graph of the first equation r=Cos[x]Sin[x/Sqrt[2]] .  and r = -0.25 Cos[x].

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ইফতার দেরীতে করলে কী কোন সমস্যা হবে?

ইফতার দেরীতে করলে কী কোন সমস্যা হবে?
সাধারণত পোস্ট ইংরেজীতে করা হয়। তবে এটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বলে বাংলায় দেয়া হলঃ

প্রশ্নঃ যদি কোন সাধারণ/জরুরী ওজর বশতঃ অথবা ওজর ছাড়াই কেও ইফতার দেরীতে করে, অর্থাৎ মাগরিবের অনেক পরে/ইশার সময় করে তাহলে তার রোযায় কোন সমস্যা হবে কিনা????
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How to crack and register mathematica by wolfram research

How to crack and register mathematica by wolfram research
Mathematica is a computational software program used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical and computing fields, based on symbolic mathematics. For the students of mid-level or lower-level of economy it is too hard to buy this software. So for them they need to crack it for getting licence and serial key to use.
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Finding the length and sum of integers of any number - The use of global variable in C

Finding the length and sum of integers of any number - The use of global variable in C
Variables are very important in almost every cases. Normally we use local variables but it is sometimes necessary to use global variables. We can not skip that matter with local variables. One of such kind of a problem is finding the sum of integers of any number. I have tried many times to use local variable here but failed. If you can please suggest me. But the program code is given here which I have written.
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Palindrome - Playing with words

Palindrome - Playing with words
Palindrome is such kind of word which can be written reversely and the meaning is unchanged. From Wikipedia we find the definition of it as, "A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward or forward. Allowances may be made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers."
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The user roles and rights of wordpress

The user roles and rights of wordpress
Wordpress is a popular Content Management System (CMS ) for various websites. It is more popular for blogging than others. It is applicable also for customer management, product management, or school, college, university or government website scripting. The various users of wordpress have various right here. I will describe shortly about them now.

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How to share local file in genymotion android file manager - Fully described

How to share local file in genymotion android file manager - Fully described
We know one of the method of using android on PC is using genymotion along with virtualbox. By the genymotion we can easily use various kind of android device in our PC. But it is sometime trouble to access local file storage or PC file storage with these virtual devices. So here I will show you how to use these or how to copy virtual device files into PC and vice-versa.

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Get government issued NID number without NID card - For Bangladesh Only

Get government issued NID number without NID card - For Bangladesh Only
As a citizen of Bangladesh you have right to have a national identity card (simply NID card) when you are 18 years old or more than 18 years. For this you have to register when you keep foot on 18 years. But unfortunately it is a very slow process of getting NID card in Bangladesh. And sometimes we need the number of this ID card. Then we fall in a twisting. 
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You can not be hidden - No benefit in facebook when you turn off chat

You can not be hidden - No benefit in facebook when you turn off chat
It is normal for maximum people who use facebook from a long time that sometimes s/he turn off chat in there to hide his/her activity from his/her other friends. It is also noted that facebook has recently added another feature by which you can hide your activity for some of your friends or show activity for some of your friends. But nowadays it is not as private as before.
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Generate Site-Map | Fully free and quickly

Generate Site-Map | Fully free and quickly
We have brought the free online xml of site-map generator for you. At past need to generate it very difficulty but from now you are fully independent and free to generate site-map xml file easily. From here you can create sitemap for any kind of website which you need or which you want. It is very easy now.
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